Our therapists are the most compassionate, knowledgeable, professional and dedicated in the area. With two PT's holding Doctorate degrees, one with a Certification as an Orthopedic Specialists and two PT's Certified win the McKenzie Technique, the make a well-rounded team of professionals with a 99% Satisfaction rate among patients. The team approach allows a flexible schedule for patients and also gives the patient a chance to meet all of the therapists. This model not only provides brainstorming among therapists for challenging patients, but also allows them to learn something different from each therapist and experience different techniques.
The first visit is a complete evaluation and assessment of your injury. From this, your therapist will develop an individualized treatment plan and set goals toward a complete recovery and return of function. Each goal will be based on the individual patient and may range from walking independently to running a marathon! Our therapists have open communication with your doctor for any special needs or concerns.
Our office and support staff is also second to none! You will be impressed with the friendliness and efficiency they show each and every day to every single patient and doctor’s office staff.
Orthopedic & Spine Physical Therapy now offers a program called Health, Wellness & Worksite Solutions. This program allows post-rehab patients and others to use our facilities for fitness, weight training and wellness programs.
Our therapists and wellness staff also reach out to employers and communities for ergonomic and wellness talks.